Quizz - The 1st World Championship of device EGMs interpretation

Question 1

Your answerChoice
P wave oversensing
T wave oversensing
RV lead fracture/insulation breach 
Question 2

Your answerChoice
P wave oversensing
T wave oversensing
EMI (electromagnetic interference)
Lead fracture
Question 3

Your answerChoice
T wave oversensing
RV Lead Dislodgement
Lead fracture
Question 4

Your answerChoice
RV Lead Dislodgement/ P wave oversensing
EMI (electromagnetic interference)
Lead fracture
Question 5

Your answerChoice
Ventricular tachycardia
Dual tachycardia (VT+ SVT)
SVT + aberrant atrioventricular conduction
Dual tachycardia (sinus tachycardia + VT)
Question 6

Your answerChoice
Sinus tachycardia
Slow VT
R-wave double counting
P-wave oversensing
T-wave oversensing
Question 7

Your answerChoice
Polymorphic VT
Ventricular undersensing
R-wave double counting
P-wave oversensing
T-wave oversensing
Question 8

Your answerChoice
This is a burst during the charge  
This is a burst before the charge
The burst is inefficient in reducing the VT
The parameter « return to sinus » is programmed to 3
After the ATP the first ventricular signal (-) is undersensed
Question 9

Your answerChoice
The programmed pacing mode is DDI
The programmed minimal pacing rate is 45 bpm
The programmed minimal pacing rate is 60 bpm
The maximal duration for a ventricular pause is 1.5 second
The maximal duration for an atrial pause is 1 second
Question 10

Your answerChoice
Marker 1: Wenckebach behaviour and blocked P-wave
Marker 1: inappropriate intervention of the anti-PMT algorithm and blocked P-wave
Marker 2: Wenckebach behavior and blocked P-waves
Marker 2:intervention of the anti-PMT algorithm and blocked P-waves
Intervention Rythmiq algorithm (Search AV +) and blocked P-waves
Question 11

Your answerChoice
Biotronik: 8
Boston Scientific: 16
Medtronic: 12
SJM: 8
Sorin: 6
Question 12

Your answerChoice
Appropriate Rythmiq commutation with second degree AV block
Appropriate Rythmiq commutation with third degree AV block
Ventricular undersensing
Inappropriate Rythmiq-commutation to DDD (no AV block)
Far-field P-wave oversensing
Question 13

Your answerChoice
LV pacing threshold: 2.5 V
LV pacing threshold: 2.75 V
Inefficient LV pacing
Atrial capture with the LV pacing lead
Right ventricular capture with the LV pacing lead
Question 14

Your answerChoice
Atrial tachycardia
Oversensing of the post BIV pacing signal with the atrial lead
Ventricular tachycardia
Conducted atrial tachycardia
Oversensing of the atrial activation with the RV lead
Question 15

Your answerChoice
For the device, this is an episode of Ventricular Tachycardia
For the device, this is an episode of SVT
The diagnosis of VT is based on a discrimination based on the PR Logic
The diagnosis of SVT is based on a discrimination based on the PR Logic
The discrimination of this episode is only based on the analysis of the onset parameter
Question 16

Your answerChoice
Cross-talk VA
Cross-talk AV
T-wave oversensing
In Biotronik pacemakers, the duration of the post-atrial pacing ventricular safety window is 110 ms
In Biotronik pacemakers, the duration of the post-atrial pacing ventricular safety window is 100 ms
Question 17

Your answerChoice
There is a p wave oversensing
The atrial sensitivity is programmed (value) too high
There is a R wave double counting
RV Blanking after atrial sensing must be increased
There is a VT
Question 18

Your answerChoice
Pacing mode is DDDR
The 7th marker As (red star) is sensed in the PVARP, which has been extended to 500ms by the anti-PMT algorithm
In Boston ICDs, there is a post A pacing ventricular safety window
In this tracing, V-Epsd (blue star) indicates that the VF detection window is satisfied (8/10)
In this tracing, V-Epsd (blue star) indicates that the VT detection window is satisfied (8/10)
Question 19

Your answerChoice
The pacing mode is VDI during the duration
V-Dur indicates the end of the VT duration
a VF episode is detected because V>A
Quick Convert™ is engaged after V-Detect
The ICD begins the charge during the Quick Convert™ delivery
Question 20

Your answerChoice
Secure Sense is triggered by 2 out of 3 fast ventricular events
There is a T wave oversensing
The A pacing configuration is probably Unipolar
There is a ventricular bigeminy
The ventricular safety window of 64ms can be extended
Question 21

Your answerChoice
BV and VS intervals reset the VT counter
Turning on the T wave discrimination algorithm will eliminate this oversensing phenomenon
CRT is effective every 3 beats
To prevent this oversensing in this ICD, one can increase the decay delay
Change from true bipolar to integrated bipolar sensing may solve the problem
Question 22

Your answerChoice
Pacing mode is possibly DDI
The tracing is compatible with a normal functioning of the Saint Jude Medical Ventricular Intrinsic Preference (VIP™) algorithm
If the device would have been a LivaNova pacemaker programed with AAISafeR ™: the pacing mode would probably have switched to DDD
If the device would have been a Medtronic pacemaker programed with MVP ™: the pacing mode would probably have switched to DDD
The maximal Ventricular sensitivity is 2mV when programmed to “AUTO”, in this Biotronik PM
Question 23

Your answerChoice
There is a intermitent ventricular loss of capture
You propose to increase the max tracking rate
You propose to increase the A-tachy response (ATR) trigger rate
You propose to increase the entry count of the ATR 
You propose to lower the value of the maximal V sensitivity
Question 24

Your answerChoice
Pacing mode is VP-suppression
You propose to switch ON the Enhanced T-Wave Suppression algorithm
You propose to increase the atrial sensitivity (lower value)
The device has potentially self induced the arrhythmia
ATP one shot is not delivered because the VF is unstable
Question 25

Your answerChoice
The most likely diagnosis is a RV lead fracture
DDI is the « episode » pacing mode
Return of sinus rhythm counter is programmed to 5 (nominal)
ATP during charge is not delivered because the VF is unstable
There is a rupture of the coil conductor
Question 26

Your answerChoice
AAI/VVI Rythmiq 75bpm
AAI 75bpm
DDI 75 bpm
DDD 75 bpm
Question 27

Your answerChoice
The ICD uses the combined counter to diagnose a VF episode (page 1)
The Fast VT zone is programmed via VF
First shock is not delivered because the device failed to reconfirm the arrhytmia after the end of the charge
In this case after VF redetection, the shock is commited
The def shock is synchronized on a p wave